Fire Watch Training

Every year, dangerous fires take place at workplaces and construction sites, causing material damages and severe injuries. Worksites that have large quantities of flammable materials like dry timers, insulation, and adhesives are especially prone to fires. Fortunately, more work-related fires can be prevented by ensuring proper training at the workplace.

Impact Safety offers fire watch training to familiarize employees with all of the risks and responsibilities associated with incipient-stage fire-fighting.

Outline of the Fire watch training course:

  • Take a look at the specific procedures and tasks that are required of someone who is performing hot work.
  • A half-day training course on fire watch duty while hot work is being performed. 
  • Teach how to prevent, detect, control, and extinguish any incipient stage fires in their work area.

Who should take this course:

Anyone that could potentially be assigned fire watch duties should complete this course. Certification will be issued upon completion of the course.

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